In this exclusive interview, Professor Pamela Kearns, a leading figure in pediatric oncology at the University of Birmingham and former president of SIOP Europe, shares her insights as the project lead of the groundbreaking UNICA4EU initiative. During these past 18 months, everyone at UNICA4EU has been hard at work to harness the potential of Artificial Intelligence to tackle unmet needs in pediatric cancer.

In our chat, Professor Kearns discusses the project’s achievements, including the efforts on creating a collaboration space based on a shared language between pediatric oncology experts and AI specialists, the potential establishment of a European Child Cancer Data initiative, and the essential partnerships across Europe that are necessary to address the unique challenges linked to treating child cancer with AI-powered tools.

As the UNICA4EU project concludes, she reflects on the lessons learned, the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration, and the project’s foundational work for future AI developments in pediatric oncology, which marks a pivotal moment in understanding the complexities and future directions of AI in healthcare, emphasizing the project’s role in building trust, addressing legal and ethical concerns, and ultimately improving outcomes for children with cancer.

Watch the full interview below!